Adobe to stop development of Flash for Mobile Devices!

flashlitedist_playerAdobe Flash is multimedia platform that enables us to stream videos, animate and create interactive web pages and even games.  It also being used in mobile browser mainly by Android platform. It’s been an issue when Apple decided not to support/use Flash in its browser where people need to use third-party app just to watch Youtube and now Adobe announced that they will stop developing Flash for mobile browser and instead Adobe will focus more on Adobe AIR packaged apps.

The official announcement from Adobe:

Our future work with Flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling Flash developers to package native apps with Adobe AIR for all the major app stores. We will no longer adapt Flash Player for mobile devices to new browser, OS version or device configurations. Some of our source code licensees may opt to continue working on and releasing their own implementations. We will continue to support the current Android and PlayBook configurations with critical bug fixes and security updates.

Adobe focus of development are as follows:

  • Applications for mobile
  • Expressive content on the desktop (in and out of browser)
  • Increasing their investments in HTML5 in general

Both Microsoft and Apple are  using HTML 5 instead of  Flash  in their  mobile browser and with Adobe’s plan of stopping Adobe Flash on Mobile browser this will boost HTML5 development and growth. HTML 5 is a robust technology and surely with no Flash in its path the development of HTML 5 is the future.

[Source: YouMobile]

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