LG announced the list and schedule of LG Android handsets for the much anticipated Ice Cream Sandwich update. Like Sony Ericsson, LG split their Android phone lines based on location and model. The roll out will start in the Q2 of 2012 and top of the line LG phones will get the first taste of Android update followed by global LG phone lines.
The first to get upgrade are those top of the line and exclusive phones mostly US and Europe. For global phones, the LG Optimus 2x is one included in the list followed by some high-end and mid-range phone like the Optimus Black.
Lets hope that LG will release the upgrade as promised because Android geeks and fans all over the world are pretty excited for the Ice Cream Sandwich sweetness.
LG Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade schedule
LG announced the list and schedule of LG Android handsets for the much anticipated Ice Cream Sandwich update. Like Sony Ericsson, LG split their Android phone lines based on location and model. The roll out will start in the Q2 of 2012 and top of the line LG phones will get the first taste of Android update followed by global LG phone lines.
LG Android phones – Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich upgrade Q2 2012:
followed by Q3 2012 upgrade:
The first to get upgrade are those top of the line and exclusive phones mostly US and Europe. For global phones, the LG Optimus 2x is one included in the list followed by some high-end and mid-range phone like the Optimus Black.
Lets hope that LG will release the upgrade as promised because Android geeks and fans all over the world are pretty excited for the Ice Cream Sandwich sweetness.
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